
As a parent and professional Angela sees that there is very little known about the stepping stones to get to these big developmental milestones of rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking. At FWPT, Angela, takes time to share her knowledge on the nourishing movements and that bring a child to these milestones. Often seen volunteering her time at local post-pantun support groups, Angela openly shares her passion for helping a parent understand their babies movement cues and how to support their child in their development. There are many times that a child may not qualify for Early Intervention (EI) services, but the child continues to struggle with their movement. There are also times that the child goes through EI but the parent feels disconnected with how they can help support their child outside of the short sessions provided; This is where Angela can help.

Challenging pregnancies and traumatic births are some of the factors that can lead to the common problems of poor tolerance to “tummy time” which often lead to neck and head imbalances. If these problems are not addressed properly, then problems of torticollis (asymmetrical neck tightness) and plagiocephaly (flattening of the head) can occur. While your pediatrician is an expert in your child’s health, there is value in receiving a consult from a physical therapist on your child’s gross motor development. Early physical therapy with Angela can help tremendously to prevent these challenges from turning into a problem.

Perhaps you are wondering what physical therapy with a child looks like. You and your child will be sitting on a mat on the floor with Angela. She will be observing your child’s movements and will gently placing her hands on your child to assess for restrictions or looseness in their muscle, fascia and joints. She will perform a series of gentle movements to assess their tone and neurological status. Toys, music, and humor will help the session appear to be play. If your child gets upset, you will have the opportunity to hold your child and some of the assessment can be done while in your arms. With the approach taken by Angela as your physical therapist, you will have no doubt that you are involved in your child’s care.